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Summer Beam Books

The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil: Improve Water Retention and Infiltration; Support Microorganisms and Other Soil Life; Capture More Sunlight; by Dale Strickler

The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil: Improve Water Retention and Infiltration; Support Microorganisms and Other Soil Life; Capture More Sunlight; by Dale Strickler

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The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil: Improve Water Retention and Infiltration; Support Microorganisms and Other Soil Life; Capture More Sunlight; An
Contributor(s): Strickler, Dale (Author)

ISBN: 1635862248    EAN: 9781635862249
Publisher: Storey Publishing
US SRP: $24.95 US
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: October 26, 2021
Physical Info: 0.9" H x 9.9" L x 8.0" W (1.85 lbs) 352 pages

"Dale Strickler is an expert on building healthy soil and restoring degraded soil, and in The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil, he presents the science of soil, along with proven methods of restoring depleted soil and agricultural practices from around the world that continue to build soil, rather than cause it to deteriorate"--

Healthy soil is key to sustaining life on Earth. While more and more people are starting to see the need for soil restoration, there is very little understanding of just how it can be accomplished. There is a rapidly emerging demand for a "how to" manual for soil restoration. Dale Strickler is an expert on building healthy soil and restoring degraded soil, and in The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil, he presents the science of soil, along with proven methods of restoring depleted soil and agricultural practices from around the world that continue to build soil, rather than cause it to deteriorate.

Strickler provides a solid foundation in the science of healthy soil, explaining how soil has become so degraded over time and the dire consequences for the human species, not just in terms of food scarcity but also the social, health, and environmental consequences of growing food in poor soil. He addresses the chemical, physical, and biological principles behind soil function and presents actual farming practices that can be used to regenerate soil, techniques and strategies for remediating contaminated soil, and agriculture systems both past and present that functioned to build soil, such as the ancient chinampas systems of Mexico and the permaculture systems of today.

Dale Strickler is the author of Managing Pasture and The Drought-Resilient Farm and Chief Agronomist at, a farm and ranching consulting service. An internationally recognized agroecologist, speaker, and consultant, Strickler has more than 30 years of experience as a highly successful farmer and rancher in his own operation, as well as 15 years teaching in higher education and 20 years of industry experience with companies such as Land-o-Lakes and GreenCover Seed. Strickler has developed effective crop and grazing systems for numerous farms and ranches with a range of often challenging climates and soil types and his articles have appeared in publications like Mother Earth NewsAcres USAStockman Grass Farmer, and Grit. He was the recipient of the 2013 Water and Energy Progress Award Model of Innovation and the Kansas Farm Bureau Natural Friend of Agriculture Award in 2021.

"Strickler gives us the tools to heal our damaged soil. This book should be on the shelf of every soil scientist, farmer, rancher, gardener, politician, landscaper, and informed citizen." -- Hank Will, editor at large for Mother Earth News

"A comprehensive, clear, and practical guide for growers of every scale. A must-read for anyone who cares for soil."-- Daniel Mays, manager of Frith Farm and author of The No-Till Organic Vegetable Farm

"[Strickler's] reader-friendly magnum opus, covering why we should restore soil, what ideal soil looks like, practices that build better soil." -- Mongabay
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