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Summer Beam Books

Teaming with Fungi: The Organic Grower's Guide to Mycorrhizae by Jeff Lowenfels

Teaming with Fungi: The Organic Grower's Guide to Mycorrhizae by Jeff Lowenfels

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Teaming with Fungi: The Organic Grower's Guide to Mycorrhizae
Contributor(s): Lowenfels, Jeff (Author)

SBN: 1604697296    EAN: 9781604697292
Publisher: Timber Press (OR)  
US SRP: $24.95 US
Binding: Hardcover
Copyright Date: 2017
Pub Date: January 11, 2017
Physical Info: 1.0" H x 9.1" L x 6.1" W (1.2 lbs) 172 pages

Improved drought tolerance, resistance to disease, and increased fruiting are just a few of the ways mycorrhizal fungi can enhance plant performance. Bestselling author Jeff Lowenfels clearly explains exactly how beneficial fungi can make or break a plant's success, and how to best optimize the advantages. Applicable to all types of cultivation--from agriculture to horticulture and ornamental gardens to legal cannabis propagation-- Teaming with Fungi reveals the key role mycorrhizal fungi play in growing successful plants.

Jeff Lowenfels is the author several of award-winning books on plants and soil, and he is the longest running garden columnist in North America. Lowenfels is a national lecturer as well as a fellow, hall of fame member, and former president of the Garden Writers of America.
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