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Summer Beam Books

Storey's Guide to Keeping Honey Bees, 2nd Edition: Honey Production, Pollination, Health by Malcolm T Sanford & Richard E Bonney

Storey's Guide to Keeping Honey Bees, 2nd Edition: Honey Production, Pollination, Health by Malcolm T Sanford & Richard E Bonney

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Storey's Guide to Keeping Honey Bees, 2nd Edition: Honey Production, Pollination, Health by Malcolm T Sanford (Author), Richard E Bonney (Author)

SBN: 1612129781    EAN: 9781612129785
Publisher: Storey Publishing  
US SRP: $24.95 US  
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: July 10, 2018
Physical Info: 0.6" H x 9.2" L x 6.8" W (1.0 lbs) 224 pages

Whether you have a single rooftop hive, a few bee boxes in your backyard, or a large-scale apiary, this is the only reference you'll need.
Learn how to properly house your bees in all seasons, manage your colony's nutrition, maintain an effective pollination schedule, prevent and treat mites and disease, introduce a new queen to the hive, capture a swarm, and harvest and store your honey crop.

Dr. Malcolm T. Sanford is professor emeritus at the University of Florida. He has been published extensively in the apiculture press including the journals Bee Culture and American Bee Journal. He has been the author of The Apis Newsletter for more than 20 years at Ohio State University and the University of Florida, writing on beekeeping management, and is the coordinator of the Apis Information Resource Center. He has been a beekeeping management consultant in Egypt, Italy, France, Chile, Ecuador, Iraq, and Mexico. He lives in Gainesville, Florida.

Veteran beekeeper Richard E. Bonney, author of Hive Management, Beekeeping, and co-author of Storey's Guide to Keeping Honey Bees, was the longtime owner of Charlemont Apiaries in Charlemont, Massachusetts.
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