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Summer Beam Books

Sheds by Howard Mansfield, photography by Joanna Eldredge Morrissey

Sheds by Howard Mansfield, photography by Joanna Eldredge Morrissey

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Contributor(s): Mansfield, Howard (Author) , Morrissey, Joanna Eldredge (Photographer

ISBN: 0872331865    EAN: 9780872331860
Publisher: Bauhan Pub
US SRP: $25.00 US 
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2015
Pub Date: August 02, 2016
Physical Info: 0.4" H x 8.0" L x 10.2" W (1.4 lbs) 192 pages

Mansfield explores the different types of sheds found around New England and beyond: covered bridges, barns, woodsheds, worship sheds (meeting houses), extended farmhouses, and bob houses for ice fishing.

Howard Mansfield is the author of books about preservation, architecture, and history. He has contributed to the New York Times, the Washington Post, Historic Preservation, and Yankee. He and his wife, writer Sy Montgomery, live in a 130-year-old house in Hancock, New Hampshire.

Joanna Eldredge Morrissey has been the staff photographer at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire, for the last twenty-five years.
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