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Summer Beam Books

Flannel John's Pacific Northwest Cookbook: Food from Alaska, Oregon and Washington by Tim Murphy

Flannel John's Pacific Northwest Cookbook: Food from Alaska, Oregon and Washington by Tim Murphy

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Flannel John's Pacific Northwest Cookbook: Food from Alaska, Oregon and Washington by Tim Murphy

ISBN: 1508990255    EAN: 9781508990253
US SRP: $10.95 US  
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2015
Pub Date: March 23, 2015
Physical Info: 0.21" H x 8.0" L x 5.25" W (0.25 lbs) 100 pages

Seafood, fish and wild game, ranch-raised sheep, apple orchards and cranberry bogs. This is the palette in which cooks in the Pacific Northwest ply their craft. This latest book from Flannel John author Tim Murphy delves into this part of the country. It is the first of several regional cookbooks Murphy has planned in his "cookbooks for guys" series." Explore the taste of Alaska, Oregon and Washington. If you like this one, check out the dozens of other titles.
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