Building with Logs & Log Cabin Construction
Building with Logs & Log Cabin Construction
Authors: Clyde P. Ficks; W. Ellis Groben; A. B. Bowman
Algrove Publishing, 2005 reprint
This book is a reprint of 2 publications compiled in 1945 and 1941. It describes what was done and what was recommended to be done in accordance with the knowledge of the day. Contents: Building with Logs by Clyde P. Frickes and W. Ellis Groben (USDA Forest Service, 1945); and Log Cabin Construction by A.B. Bowman (Extension Bulletin 222, Michigan State University Extension, 1941). Starting with scribed-log construction as the method that produces the best quality structure, the book goes on to show construction techniques for less exotic structures that are more easily built by a beginner or someone with a time limitation. It is wholly practical. With the good selection of methods comes an equally good selection of floor plans and plans for rustic furniture.
ISBN: 9781897030226